Sametime® consists of client and server applications that enable a community of users to collaborate in real-time online meetings over an intranet or the Internet. Members of the Sametime community use collaborative activities such as presence, chat, screen sharing, a shared whiteboard, and real-time audio/video capabilities to meet, converse, and work together in instant or scheduled meetings.
Presence--Sametime "presence" technology enables members who have logged in to the Sametime server to see all other members who are online (logged in). The names of online users display in "presence lists" in Sametime applications. From these presence lists, members of the community can converse through instant messaging sessions or start instant meetings that include chat, screen-sharing, whiteboard, question and answer polls, the ability to send Web pages to other users, and audio/video capabilities.Meetings--While presence lists support instant awareness and instant collaboration with other online users, the Sametime Meeting Center on the Sametime server provides a central meeting place for members of the community. In the Meeting Center, users can schedule meetings to start at a particular time. Users access the Sametime Meeting Center with Web browsers at the scheduled meeting time to attend the meeting. In Sametime 7.5.x, users can also create "breakout sessions," sub-meetings of the larger meeting.